I love this age for Emma. Was thankful to be over the baby stage, two was fun watching her grow, but three is hilarious. Emma has so many funny things to say all the time. It's so silly how her mind works. She is so smart. Will outsmart Jason and I for sure if we aren't on our toes. Sometimes her smarts don't out weigh reality, though.
The other day she wanted me to do something and was telling me in a bossy manner. She said, "You have to listen to me because I'm a mom and your a child." I've been teaching her Ephesians 6:1. She's always trying to find ways to make me the child so I have to listen. She had also recently been playing like she was the mom of her dolls. So I said, "You may be the mom of your dolls, but your not my mom. You are my child. Jammy is my mom."
A couple days later Emma wanted me to do something else. She said, "You have to do it because I'm Jammy."
Emma takes after Jason with her memory of movies. After a few watches she can quote a movie almost to a tee. Lately she's been watching the Land Before Time. (Don't worry, she gets a lecture about creation vs. evolution before she watches it.) Sometimes she plays her own imaginary games with the movie characters.
We were all laying on the bed, bored as usually, playing games on our phones. Jason had his feet propped on the dresser from the bed making a leg-bridge that Emma decided to play on. She played around his legs for a while calling to her Land Before Time friends. Then, she got up on Jason's legs and looked down to the ground and shouted to some imaginary adversary "You don't come up here unless you want to fight, or something....You Grandma!" LOL Oh, Jason and I couldn't stop laughing.
That same day she and Jason were playing around. Jason would tell her to "Look at that," pointing at nothing. When she looked he would tickle her. She was really having fun with it, but learning quickly. She wanted to get him. So, she pointed and said, "What's that?" Jason looked, but when he looked back Emma was nowhere to be seen. In her excitement she had rolled herself backwards off the bed. We only knew from the faint cries below. Well, I knew. I was watching it all, but unfortunately I'm one to laugh when you fall so I wasn't being very helpful. Jason played caring daddy and Emma soaked it up. She fake cries as long as she can when she's been coddled.
Emma doesn't miss anything. Last night Jason wanted to poke me on my belly with my jump drive. And for some reason I had this fear like I was going to get shocked or something. So I was freaking out and trying to get away. Finally, he talked me into letting him do it, but as soon as he touched me with it, I screamed just in case. ha ha
Well, this morning Emma found the jump drive and said, "Can I touch you with this? It's not going to hurt you." I said, "No." She said, "It's really not going to burn you or scare you." lol She's such a silly kid. She's a really great care-giver and comforter. Lately, I've been crying a lot for no particular reason. She always comes up and gives me a hug and says, "Don't worry, Mom. The dinosaurs are not going to get you."
Emma comes in my room in the morning and goes through my side cubbie, playing with all my stuff. So, this morning when I was ready to get up she was holding her hand like she had something in it. I said, "Put that away." She looked at me weird and I said, "What is it?" She opened her hand and said, "A booger." LOL At least she doesn't wipe it on the walls.
I got up later than usual this morning, although I have been lazily sleeping in most mornings much later than I should. But, at least this morning I have an excuse for sleeping in. Last night, I probably only got a couple hours of REM sleep.
Jason was so tired, he feel asleep almost instantly when we went to bed around 10. He then proceeded to snore loud enough to be annoying. He hardly ever snores so I was really surprised. But, I was playing games on my phone waiting til I could fall asleep, so I let it go for a while. After a while, it was just ridiculous, though. I gave him a shove and it seemed to help.....for a couple seconds. For the next half hour or so I kept shoving him, trying to get him to roll over. When he sleeps, he really sleeps. (He's slept through an earthquake before, literally.)
I finally got him to stop snoring and after finding a comfortable sleeping position of my own, I fall asleep, fighting for my covers while Jason rolls around. It's not too much longer when an orange fuzzy thing decides to sleep on my head. (This happens quite often.) The problem with me is once I'm awakened out of my sleep, I'm pretty much awake again for another hour. So, I laid there half asleep with a cat-hat. Moments later, another cat decides my arm is a comfortable bed. I fall asleep again, eventually and the next thing I know, I'm cat-less and I have this strange feeling that they are getting into something. Most nights I'm awakened by some type of bang or crash from them running around knocking stuff over. Tonight, there is not so much a noise as much as the occasional scuttle from spot to spot.
Two nights ago, Bagheera learned how to knock the mouse cage off the shelf. So, we are keeping the mice on ground level now. (That was a huge, ridiculous mess!) And that's when I realized and my heart dropped. I jumped up, thinking of ways to tell Emma her mice had been eaten by the cats.
I found Bagheera stalking the corner of the camper under the fire extinguisher so I knew I had found a mouse, hopefully alive. Fortunately, my cats don't eat mice. They just like to chase them around. Scout was sitting scared as a....mouse under the extinguisher. I pushed the cats out of the way and put my blanket up in front of him. He immediately ran right into it.
I took him back to the cage. One of their tubes had been knocked off, I assume by the cats. My heart sank again thinking, "Oh, great. McSqueezy is somewhere running around, chewing on wires." I put Scout away and there was McSqueezy just sleeping away in the comfort of his own bed. He probably didn't even know he could escape. He's a couple months younger than Scout and Scout is Alpha so maybe Scout made him stay. ha ha I don't know. But I was glad he wasn't running around. The mice went in the bathroom and I went back to bed to lay awake til Jason's alarm went off. I get the best sleep after he goes to work.
The funniest part is when Jason comes home, I'm going to tell him the story and he's not going to know any of it happened. Half the time he doesn't believe my late-at-night stories especially the ones about him snoring and talking in his sleep lol. And he wonders why I'm so tired during the day.
Well, Emma's waiting to do some painting. We're painting some stuff for her schooling as well as the dog kennel. And we can't do that til we start laundry. So I better get at it.