We are all too familiar with the angry mother grizzly who would go to great lengths to protect her cub, even attacking people (which is out of character for a bear) when she feels like her cub is threatened. I've seen a mother grizzly half the size of a male boar bear attack and defend her two cubs. She was brutally beaten by the boar but she refused to give up and finally, though she was weakened, the boar left and the cubs were safe.
Wildebeest are also very protective of their young. When predators are near, the mothers push all the babies into a group and then they surround the babies. The rest of the herd surrounds the mothers. Sometimes they are doing this on the run.
A mother cheetah who lost her cub searched for days, though she had two other cubs that she had to leave alone in the "den." She would go to where the cub was last detected and she would mew for him to return. A family who would normally be continually on the move to avoid predators, stayed put out of love and devotion to the lost cub.
The list of mothers protecting their young goes on and on. It is a natural mother's instinct to want to protect your baby. God made it that way. The animal kingdom is a great place to see how God intended things to be. It is only natural to react in strange and seemingly abnormal ways when you feel like your baby is in danger. Some might consider it over reacting, but a mother's instinct to protect is there and it is good.
Tonight is the eve of the day I have to give my baby away. But, the thing is, it's impossible for me to do this. My motherly instincts are kicked into high gear and I see danger signs flashing on the road ahead. My heart and mind is saying don't leave your baby with strangers. It is my job to watch over her. I think about someone taking her out of my arms, walking away from me with her in their arms and I can do NOTHING! In a world that God made to be one way, society has turned it into something else. A mother can't just protect her baby anymore. Now, if some random judge says so, you are forced to give up your child. I have no choice but to watch my baby, unknowing, innocent, and confused be taken from me for longer than she will understand. I can't kick, I can't scream, I can't tackle someone to the ground, I can't run away, I can't change the rules. I have to go against everything God put in me that is natural and I have to force myself so do something unnatural. It's such an impossible task that only God could help me through it. I'm thinking about tomorrow and how every item I pack in a suit case, every preparation I make for her travel I'm basically saying I'm ok with this. But I'm not. I'm not ok at all. I don't want to have any part in sending my baby away. I need a strength that I fear I will never have. It's God that makes tomorrow happen or it's no one.