The guinea pigs cages were severely over due on a cage cleaning so nearing 1030 PM I started cleaning them out.(Weird thing #5) I couldn't help but notice the bunny just sitting still in his cage. I jiggled his cage and still he seemed lifeless.(Weird thing #6) I was afraid to touch him. Too often in my years I've reached to snuggle with a bunny only to find a cold, firm body instead. So, as horrible as I felt, I woke Jason to inspect the situation. (Bad decision) Of course, the bunny was just fine and I felt even more horrible for having woken Jason up. (Embarrassing) Thirty minutes later Jason had to go to watch. I didn't stay up too much later. I got in bed and watched some instant play. My body was not feeling tired at all and I honestly did not want to go to sleep. (Weird thing #7) It was like a mixture of being really excited for something going on the next day and not being able to sleep; and, yet also fearful that something was going to go wrong and I couldn't let myself fall asleep.
Emma had decided she wanted to sleep with the bunny. (Weird, but not surprised) She had to sleep in her room tonight since Jason had watch. I thought, "What harm could come from it? She would probably sleep with out night mares and worse case scenario she would get peed on." She went to bed with out a single fuss(Weird thing #8) and was just happy as a clam when I told her she could keep the bunny. Around 0230 I thought I might as well go out and walk on the treadmill.(Weird thing #9) Jason would be home soon. As I was getting up Emma suddenly started crying out, "Where's the bunny?"(not what I was expecting) He had hopped down while she was asleep. I put him back in the bed and explained while he might jump down onto the rug he wouldn't leave her room. She seemed satisfied with that answer, hugged him close to her and laid back down. God has really blessed us with the most patient rabbit EVER! Earlier when I thought he had been dead I held him in my arms like a baby, on his back, for several minutes and he just laid there content. Didn't try to get away and closed his eyes as if he was really enjoying the attention. It is a sad thought for me to not have him when we move into our camper (as we are pretty serious about doing).
Anyway, (it's late, and I know I'm rambling....sorry) I got up to walk. I walked for 20 minutes which is how long it should have taken Jason to get home. But he never came home.(Not weird if you keep reading) My mind wondered as I thought the worse. But I shook away the feelings. Admiral and I stood outside for a while trying to decipher what kind of animal was making this weird barking noise.(Weird thing #10) It couldn't have been a dog. If it was a dog, that is the weirdest bark I've ever heard. My best guess was some kind of raccoon or bird. But do raccoons bark? I suppose I should know the answer to that.
I felt hungry so I came in and had some Kix that the Craigs had just given us earlier that night. They were good. It was like my dinner since dinner was like my lunch. I'm actually still hungry, though. Cereal never did fill me up very good. Except grain nuts. They are filling. (Rambling again. Now you all know what it's like to be my diary ha ha)
It is almost 40 after 3 now and Jason still isn't home. It just dawned on me that his watch actually probably went until 4.(Duh) That would make more sense having a 4 hour watch instead of a 3 hour watch. I'm starting to think I really should go to sleep.(ha ha) But, then, in a few minutes Jason would come home and I would wake up again. So, I might as well just stick it out until he does get home.
I don't know. Today was just a weird day for me. Ten weird things in fact. Jason is home now. He laughed at my ridiculous evening. I still don't feel like sleeping but suppose I must.
(DNP: Did not Proofread)