God created her, I carried her, now she is my happiness and my laughter.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

If there is a blessing in being depressed

One thing I've noticed about depression is that on a good day, the littlest things can make me happy. This morning I couldn't help feeling so proud that I vacuumed two rooms. I dressed in jeans and a nice shirt unlike my usual sweat pants and grundgy look. I'm looking forward to training Henry this morning. He's learning so quickly. And, I found a new take on my screenplay that makes it play out a lot better than before. I'm excited to keep working on it. It's a great hobby for me. I don't have a lot of energy today. I probably won't get a whole lot done. I'll probably do a lot of laundry since that entails sitting on the couch watching Monk while I fold clothes. But these small accomplishments today are enough to encourage me. Last couple days I have been feeling a lot more down than usual. I don't even know why. So, when I woke up and felt like vacuuming today it made me very happy.

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