We started the worst of the blankets with the last of our laundry soap and then went to Safeway with $11 to our name (not counting quarters for laundry) to get more soap. We spotted the cheapest thing, I checked to make sure it wasn't fabric softner and we headed back to the laundry mat.
We started the last load, poured in the soap and then watched it for a minute. The soap seemed really weird. Jason looked at the soap bottle and sure enough it was, in fact, fabric softener. (Written in very small letter, I might add.) I was pretty upset about this; little did I know it was not the worst to come in our day. We used some of our quarters to get some soap from the machine and poured it in. I gave the fabric softener to a lady sitting near by as I never use the stuff.
We were starving at this point and had passed a Little Caesar's $5.99 pizza sign so we walked down to it and got ourselves a Pizza with the last of our money. Emma was very cold from walking in the wind at this point so Jason carried her back as I half ran, half walked back to the laundry mat in attempts to keep the pizza warm.
An hour or so later, the laundry was done, folded and ready to put in the car. Jason started to take it out and then suddenly he came bursting back in the door, angry as could be, stating he didn't have the car keys which were most recently in his left jacket pocket.
I assumed they couldn't have gone far. He re-traced his steps and I looked around the car, laundry and my own pockets. Twenty minutes later he came back with no success. He tried again. Nothing. I decided I would go give it a go, seeing how I had found the back of my mother's earring in the grass when I was younger, I always felt I had a sense for finding a needle in a hay stack. I also did not find the keys and even flagged down an officer who took down our information and stopped traffic to look in the road where we had crossed the street.
Jason made several attempts to find the key again after that. We checked with all the open businesses along the way. I texted a friend to cancel a play date with her and she offered to come pick us up. I accepted her offer gratefully.
As we were waiting for her to arrive, I received a phone call from another good friend who was near tears asking me to come pick up her dogs. Apparently she had fallen and broken both her wrists while running errands with her dogs.
I sighed inside myself knowing that I would have to put my taxi friend out of her way to help us get to my fallen friend's car. Two hours later, I finally arrived to rescue the dogs.
We headed back home, got the dogs settled in, ate some dinner and then headed to the hospital to spend some time with our friend. Jason and I managed to maintain relatively good attitudes through it all. In spite of the fact that on top of all this, each morning we've had to take a blow dryer to our water pipes. Nothing we do is keeping them from freezing over. We had planned to pick up an old mattress from storage after the laundry to use as insulation. Of course, that never happened.
So, this morning starts with a text from my friend saying she'll have to have surgery this afternoon. Water pipes frozen again. Jason is out thawing the water, Bagheera is watching him from a window, Emma is watching 5 minutes of a movie and then switching to a new one, (she figured out how to change her own movies which has it's perks) and I'm struggling to focus on my Bible reading.
In stead, I think I will get the dishes ready for washing and then shut myself in Emma's room for prayer time instead. We have much to think about as a replacement key is far more than we can afford. Thank God the base has been closed due to snow so Jason has not had to work and since our friend fell, we have been using her car to get around. Curse us and buying that Camero! Lesson's learned.
(DNP - Did not proof read)
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