God created her, I carried her, now she is my happiness and my laughter.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Sometimes it just has to happen

I'm getting tired of allowing other people to affect my mood. And, sadly, it happens most often on facebook, a place I should be able to control. I don't really like people. I'm sorry, but it's true. I never have. I have always been an animal person. I will take a good pet over a friend any day of the week. I like a little companionship here and there, but I like it on my terms. I don't like keeping up with friends and frankly, there are few people out there that truly believe and think the same way I do. Trying to hang out with someone who doesn't share the same thoughts and ideas is just annoying. I'm a very opinionated person and I have no qualms about telling someone exactly what I think. I've learned how to be nice and tone it down for society, but at the end of the day, if your simply irritating me to no end, I'm just going to tell you. If you decide that my comments warrant that we can't be friends anymore, I hate to break it to you, but I don't care. That's just one less person I have to be annoyed by on a daily basis. I speak frankly right now because sometimes it's just time to say, "That's enough!"

And the time is now. I've had enough of liberal thinkers who want everyone to be treated fairly with no feelings hurt and get offended at every turn. I'm sorry, but that's just not the way it is. We were all born sinners. God sent his Son, Jesus, to die for our sins. We have the free will to accept that gift. God gave us the Bible as a guide. The Bible says "Let no man offend, thee." It also says no where that life should be fair. It's extremely clear. Heaven or Hell. God's way or man's way. And he even gave us the means of living a perfectly happy life with a happy ending in His Word. We have, but to put our selfish, carnal nature aside, believe it, accept it and do it. I struggle to do God's will every day. But I know His ways are true and right and I'm no longer going to be letting liberal thinkers affect me or my family.

I'm also doing away as best as I can with the uneducated and the insecure. These types affect my day to day thoughts and attitude even more so than the liberals. I could just scream at the parents who won't teach their children. The public school system is not cutting it. It gets worse by the year, though I won't rave too much on this matter as I haven't done all the research. But, I've done enough to know that future generations are simply doomed if left to the "public" to school them. Teenage mothers, drugs, and insecurities is what our future generation gets in public school, to name but a few. And even if you could teach your children to stay away from those things, education in it's self is in the dumps. A teenage girl called my phone by accident the other day and I was appalled by our conversation. She mumbled so badly that I could hardly understand her. She spoke as if she were on drugs and her attitude was that of rebellion to anything proper. I would have thought she was a 10 year old girl by the way she spoke with out any education in her speech at all.  I don't keep up with many online social groups, but I can tell just from facebook that no one knows anything about the English language anymore. And it's not surprising when half the game isle in Walmart is full of Spanish only games, kids TV programs are in English and Spanish as well as schools, airports, and other overly populated areas with spanish speaking people all catering to the Spanish language by putting Spanish translation first instead of English. I have a hard time finding the English directions anymore on anything I buy including food products. I'm all for learning another language, but lets master our own English language first. I do not speak as properly as English was meant to be spoken, but, I'll be damned if I don't at least teach Emma how to speak properly as well as writing properly. There's nothing more annoying than reading someone's uneducated letter, text, comment ect. Why, oh why don't people find this important anymore?

I'm also far less concerned with whether Emma has friends or is socially expectable than I am with her coming up with insecurities. Uneducated people (among others that I won't go into) like to prey on others by placing thoughts of insecurities in a kid's mind. People make fun of me because I say good grief, be quiet, that stinks and other "nicer" terms. Uneducated people want to feel smart (I guess) by trying to make you feel like an idiot if you don't swear or use the slang of the day. Emma is going to be smart, beautiful, firm in her foundation and firm in her beliefs. And when someone makes fun of her she's going to know how to handle it. I'm still deciding what I'm going to teach her to do or say. I wasn't bothered by bullies when I was a kid. I had a few bullies, but their taunting didn't keep me up nights. My parents, somehow, where able to teach us to be sure of ourselves. To this day, I really could care less what anyone thinks of me. I wear what I want to wear. I say what I want to say. And when peers pressure me I usually laugh at them because I know that all they really want is for me to dumb down to their level. When I was a kid it was nice to blame the parents, but as an adult I realized that I didn't want to do those things anyway. I won't even get started on Alcohol and how it's just a product used by uneducated people to make them feel better. If you don't drink too, then you're the idiot? The weird one? Correction: I'm educated and sure of myself and I can have a good time while being myself with out the help of some drug. I've never succumbed to the dumbing down of our generation and I will never allow Emma to be involved in it either.

Up until now, I've put up with these groups of people. I try to be nice. I try to understand. But, I don't understand. And I don't care about their feelings. I want to tell them they are idiots and move on with my day. I don't think it's very Christian like to tell someone they are an idiot, though, so I won't take it that far. But I can control other parts of my day that allow these groups of people to affect me and my family. Jason is just as fed up with it as I am. And I'm so proud of the lady I know Emma is going to become! I can hardly wait to start teaching her how to be a lady and stand above the idiots. :) It's going to be fun. We'll do lady classes and protocol classes. She'll have one or two good friends who encourage her in the right way and we'll be one happy, stress free family.

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