I woke up feeling discombobulated. So I should have known my "first thing Tuesday" list and having Jason get everything around for our errands, wasn't enough for the outing to go smoothly. Jason did not forget anything, but I just didn't feel as organized not having gone over the list myself that morning. Our first stop was supposed to be the bank. Jason knew this, but being much like my dad in just driving straight until otherwise guided, we ended up taking the "scenic" route to arrive there. This is funny if you know that it only takes 5 minutes to get anywhere and it took us 10 to get to the bank. After the bank, our first non-listed item reared itself. Emma started talking about being hungry. Since our list was called "first thing Tuesday" we had taken that very seriously and had not bothered to eat before we left. We also have a pact that states we can only spend $5 on fast food so we headed for McDonald's $1 menu. Jason and I ordered double cheese burgers, I ordered a 4 piece chicken nugget for Emma (a usual favorite), and we shared an ice tea for a little over $6. (oops). When we sat down with our food, Emma took a bite of her nugget, spit it out and said "gross." So I gave her my cheese burger which she ate happily and I "filled up" on 4 chicken nuggets. Needless to say I was hungry all afternoon, but I was happy Emma was eating a cheeseburger for the first time. After McDonalds our list told us to go to base to drop off dry cleaning and get myself an ID card. As we were heading that way, Jason spotted a cop sitting on a side road. He all of a sudden started freaking out and announced that he remembered our tags were expired on the car. So we turned around for our next "off list" errand. We went back to the bank because the DMV did not accept cards. When we got to the DMV we realized we had taken the car registration out of the car for something the other day and we would need that in order to get the tags. We couldn't get on base with out new tags. SO, we went back home for the registration. Of course, by the time we got back to the DMV the line was much longer. Emma and I played with an odd selection of toys set out for kids while Jason waited in line. Finally we replaced our tags and made it to base.
While we were at the ID place I realized I would have to get my picture taken. (Something I would have thought about if I had reviewed the list myself) So I wanted to take a picture of myself with my phone to see if my hair looked ok. Just as Jason was taking the picture I got an eye lash in my eye and the picture came out with one of my eyes closed and the other slightly open. I looked very odd like I had just been punched or something. Jason thought this was hilarious and as I was busy talking with the ID lady, he sent the picture to my family group on my phone. When I found out about this my mood was a little off set for the rest of our time on base. I spent the next 30 minutes explaining the situation to various family members who had texted me back about the picture.
Finally, we were done with our errands after what seemed like a much longer time than expected. We headed home at least feeling accomplished.
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