God created her, I carried her, now she is my happiness and my laughter.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Saturday Morning

I don't care a whole lot for food in general and even more so I don't care to prepare it. This morning I asked myself why. I came to a theory that it's the recipes. I don't want to have to find, read, understand, and make a recipe. That, and I've been a working mom since Emma was born. At the end of a working day I simply don't have the energy. But, from time to time (usually on a weekend) I have a morning full of energy. So, I literally cook up an entire day (sometimes more) meals. And you know, I actually enjoy the cooking when I'm energetic. And for the recipe part of it I simply don't follow one. Sure, I waste some food if it doesn't turn out. But, I also learn from my mistakes. I add whatever ingredients sound good and mix together some food that's been sitting and needs used up. I put it in casserole or stew format and away we eat. Jason has liked all of my concoctions though I must admit they shouldn't be used on any diet plans. This morning I remembered I've been wanting to make up some broccoli for Emma as she seems to like it when we go to a restaurant. And as all my recipes go, the first ingredient is cheese. Broccoli (boiled), velveeta cheese (melted) and 1/4 tsp of onion powder. I'm going to give it a taste now...hmm, I took two bites...surprisingly tasty! I love it actually. It gives broccoli a whole new meaning. Would one of my readers mind trying it and letting me know what you think? I'll give some to Emma with her lunch. Next, I need to whip up some pizza sauce. Because something that IS on my diet plan is English Muffin Pizza and I've been curious to give it a try. Better call Kim for one of those dreaded recipes. My mom passed around a great pizza sauce (which might have generated from Grandma actually). But don't worry, I'll still add my own touch.
P.S. I have to give my husband the credit for making me the least bit interested in concoctions. He is always doing new things with the meat on the grill. It was his example that got me started. And, the broccoli after taste makes me want more and more :) I also have no idea how to spell recipe so hopefully the spell check got it right.

1 comment:

  1. Once again something that you and Grandma A have in common . . . . not following a recipe. I love the allrecipes.com website because the cooks make comments about different things they did to the recipe. It has really given me courage to adjust recipes more than I used to. The other night I made my very own concoction and it was very good.
