God created her, I carried her, now she is my happiness and my laughter.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

It's like the day after Thanksgiving

We are out of groceries and the Commissary, where we shop, is closed on Mondays for restocking. So, we got KFC last night even though it wasn't in our budget. :S  This morning I felt like I was serving Emma left overs from Thanksgiving dinner. The way I would cook it anyway. I was still in bed when I heard Emma tell her imaginary friends that she wanted mac and cheese and corn and white and feevy. (Which is to mean potatoes and gravy lol) 
This year we are having Thanksgiving dinner at The Farmhouse again. It's a restaurant kind of like Country Cupboard or Cracker barrel. Jason's getting everything he wants for Thanksgiving and Christmas at Thanksgiving because he'll be deployed over Christmas. That includes a very early Christmas with his mom and, of course, us. Other family members will be and will need to send his gifts by that time as well. He chose the Farmhouse because neither of us want to deal with cooking Thanksgiving dinner in the camper. I might still make my own green bean casserole, though because as I recall, last year theirs wasn't good.

Sleepless nights and a constant uncomfortable pregnant feeling makes for late mornings sleeping in. I've accepted this by now, though at first it was not easy as I'm usually an earlier riser. Last night I went to bed with a headache and an upset stomach. This morning when I got up to make Jason's lunch it had not gone away. I'm so thankful for a very patient daughter who can entertain herself for very long periods of time. 

Last night was so windy. We crack a window during stormy weather because I love listening to it at night. I was starting to fear for my plants and things outside, though. Everything is still in tact this morning. The sun is even starting to come out now, which is the first time in several days. I should take advantage by getting some more paint on the dog house.

Well, we tackled counting yesterday again to no avail. I've decided my daughter is just too smart for simple things like counting. If you show her a picture with a certain number of items on it and ask her how many it is, she answers correctly up to 3 items. But asking her to count individually is near impossible for her to do. I can only liken it to a mathematician who can not solve simple problems with out extravagant equations. I do desire an Einstein child :)

Emma's and my future is very uncertain for the next few months. Jason deploys in early December and time seems to be going way too quickly. I do so much look forward to being in Arizona, but I wish time didn't go so fast. I always feel rushed to do something romantic with him before he goes, but we either don't have the money or a babysitter or something keeps us from "dating." Then he goes and I have no memories to miss. We still have big purchases pending, too so I doubt we'll get to do anything special. It's also up in the air whether we will actually take the RV to Arizona. That has been the plan, but not taking it will save us so much money because we can stay at my mom's house. So we've started thinking about that option again. My holidays are all going to be messed up too. But, thankfully, my mom has the same traditions as me and I will really look forward to being in Arizona for Christmas for the first time. I can't believe I've never been there for the holidays. 

I have two pots with half cooked things in them sitting on the stove because I didn't realize I didn't have the ingredients to finish them. We got a few things last night from safeway so I need to finish making that stuff. I'm also going to try and make "rice" crispy treats with some other types of cereal because I have a bunch that isn't getting eaten. 

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