God created her, I carried her, now she is my happiness and my laughter.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Killing Time

I have mixed feelings about busy days. Jason is working in the evenings this week so Emma and I have spent a lot of time at the convergence zone (indoor play ground) waiting for him to get off of work. Yesterday we were here for 4 hours. I got a lot of writing done in my screen play. Today, we have another four hours here until I have to go to a dog training class. I'm trying to fiddle around on the computer before getting started with my writing, but there just are not many more websites I can fiddle around on for 8 hours.
Emma is struggling with being spoiled after being sick. She could get away with murder when she's sick and even though she's only sick for a day, it takes her a week to realize she's not going to get spoiled anymore. So far we've had crying fits about needing mac n cheese, her shoe falling off in the car, wanting Dad to put her blanket over her legs even though it was in perfect reach of her, and losing the cat's fish toy. It's kind of cute and funny but certainly unacceptable for the not-so-sickly. Jason, is trying very hard to fight off the same thing Emma got. A weekend isn't long enough for his body to allow itself to get sick.
My dog training class this morning did not go over great. I often feel like I do not have a clue what I'm doing. I look forward to the day I feel completely confident in my skills. I would sure feel better if I didn't have to train with treats. Oh, well.
This week I'm working on Psalms 31:24 "Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the Lord."
I asked the Lord to help me feel unafraid and this morning he showed me this verse. I have a lot of worries in this time in my life and it is a good time for me to practice leaving it up to God and letting him take control. Because I certainly don't have a clue what to do!

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