God created her, I carried her, now she is my happiness and my laughter.

Monday, May 30, 2011

If I only had a maid...

I would not ask much from a maid. There are just a few certain things that would make my life easier if someone was helping me. Other things I simply don't like doing. She would dub as a nanny and she would either live in my house or live near. She would be dedicated to just my family although she would only work on call. She would go with me grocery shopping. Have you ever tried couponing with a 2 year old? My binder is very organized, but I'm new to the couponing business so I'm still not positive how it all works. I constantly feel like I'm holding people up in the isles looking for coupons or checking out the ads. I suppose a REAL couponer would have all that organized before leaving the house. But, I am a forgetful sort. There's no way I could get everything I needed or catch every deal with out bringing my whole binder along and checking it out as I go. This whole process would be so much easier if my "nanny" was with me taking care of Emma as we went, OR holding the binder.
My maid would also do my laundry. Or at the least, fold the clothes. I absolutely HATE that chore. My laundry is always so backed up. I try to do a load a day and that seems to help; but most of the time I forget to do a load and over time it builds up and then I don't want to get it started at all. Then, when I do finally do the laundry it all piles up in the basket until it's so over flowing that I never want to fold it. If I had a maid, she would definitely do the laundry. I'll put the laundry away if she just washes and folds it.
Lastly, if I had a maid, she would go to the mall with me because more often than not when I'm at the mall with Emma I always wish I could stop to watch a movie. Emma is almost ready to sit durning a whole movie, but I would have to time it around her nap time and I don't trust her to not act up. Its so hard to walk past the theatre and see all the good movies that are out and not be able to go.
(sigh) I promise I wouldn't get lazy. I would only ask for a few things....if I only had a maid...

1 comment:

  1. Hmm, that must be why I did all of the laundry while you were here.
